It’s days around the corner! The lake is free of ice, the call of loons is all around and very soon we’ll start seeing cow moose and their calves along the shoreline. Let’s not forget the start of our daily shore lunch, up the lake in less than a week! Read on for Spring Opening news and Open Dates info below….
A Trip to the Giesler Cedar Strip Boat Workshop!
On Wabatongushi Lake there is a longstanding tradition of running cedar strip boats. Some of our guests have even purchased their own cedar strip boat to use on home waters after experiencing the stability, comfort, and unique style of a Giesler. If you’ve ever wondered where our boats come from and how they’re made by hand, we have it all here!
Read More “A Trip to the Giesler Cedar Strip Boat Workshop!”
Video of Eagle Catching a Fish
Below, our guide Ryan caught this slo-mo video of two eagles the other day with guests… sights and sounds of the wilderness up here! Make sure your sound is on for the catch…
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Cedar Boat Photo Available for Wallpaper / Desktop Background
We had some professional photography done and are glad to share this unique shot! A few different options to use as the background / wallpaper of your PC, Mac, Phone and/or Tablet. Directions for most devices below the image links section… And if you have any suggestions for other wallpapers you’d like to see, leave them in the comments down below.
[ 9/18/19: Corrected info to show Apple iMacs use 16:9 ratio… ]
Options for Background Images:
Read More “Cedar Boat Photo Available for Wallpaper / Desktop Background”
Ice Out, May 18th Opening is Good
The thick ice (40+ inches) we got this year at the lake is going out finally, and glad to announce that our May 18th opening day is not affected. We’ve been up here for a few weeks getting the cedar boats sanded and varnished, and preparing things at Camp Lochalsh. And with the ice now going out, we’ll get up the lake and have both Loch Island and the outpost cabins ready for all of you coming up for our opening week. Looking forward to seeing you all soon for the start of our 2019 season!
– More photos soon of our activities and prep, but wanted to let you know the good news for now…
The lake and fish await!
-Andy, Amy and the Staff
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