New! Live 24/7 webcam at Camp Lochalsh!

We know you all miss Wabatongushi Lake, so we’re bringing it to you at home with a webcam!

At Camp Lochalsh, we have the unique benefit of being connected to electricity year-round. This year we also have a winter caretaker. We installed a few live webcams around camp, including one on the side of Cabin 1 so you can see and hear the lake conditions every day, at any time of the day. Keep an eye out for nocturnal animals roaming through camp. We’ve already had a few reports of people seeing things walking around the perimeter of Cabin 1’s new deck!

You can view the live feed on our Lake Webcams page here:

*Note: We will move this camera in May for the privacy of guests booking Cabin 1!


We’ll soon be posting about all the upgrades we made around the lake this past season.  So stay tuned for more photos and news.

— Andy & Amy

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One thought on “New! Live 24/7 webcam at Camp Lochalsh!

  1. Ken Ferguson

    Andy and Amy, What a great idea in setting up the nest camera, as this will show when the ice goes out in the spring . It’s also very nice to see the camp any day of the week and dream about being up fishing in the spring ( 2021).


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