Wabatongushi Lake Webcams

camp Lochalsh – Cabin 1

– Click Speaker icon to enable sound (hover over video to see controls)
[ If video shows as unavailable, check back again soon as it will only be down temporarily. ]

Camp Lochalsh – Outside Cabin 4, Looking Northward Up Lake

– Click Speaker icon to enable sound (hover over video to see controls)
[ This camera will be made more reliable soon. If video shows as unavailable, check back again soon as it will only be down temporarily. ]

We know you all miss Wabatongushi Lake, so we’re bringing it to you at home with a webcam!

At Camp Lochalsh, we have the unique benefit of being connected to electricity year-round.  We installed a few live webcams around camp, including one on the side of Cabin 1 and another off of Cabin 4 so you can see and hear the lake conditions every day, at any time of the day! Keep an eye out for nocturnal animals roaming through camp. We’ve already seen lots of fox and a wolf!

*Note: We will move the Cabin 1 camera in May for the privacy of guests!


— Andy & Amy

26 thoughts on “Wabatongushi Lake Webcams

  1. Walter Deeks

    Just wondering if you’re encountering any issues from Canadian wildfires?

  2. Emi

    I love this view ❤️

  3. Mark Busby

    Hello, I just discovered your Lodge and your super cool web cam. I have a great picture I can send you of the sunrise this morning. Thanks!

  4. lmakela1

    Love checking in on the webcams this winter… seeing how much snow is on the ground and hoping to catch wildlife walking by.

  5. Alan Janik

    Here it is November 29th and still no solid icing of the lake – weird……..


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