Greetings from Camp Lochalsh!
We’re already up north getting ready for opening day. It’s not winter anymore, but it’s still cold, with the nights dropping just below freezing. There are patches of snow along the CPR tracks and in shaded stands of trees, and plenty of mud puddles down the Lochalsh Road. Warmer weather is on its way, though!

Andy and Eric ventured into Camp Lochalsh on May 1 to flip the electricity back on and lay out the water pumps and lines. Amy, Marlene and Elorah made it into camp late on May 4 after stopping in Sault Ste. Marie for kitchen and housekeeping supplies. The rest of the staff will arrive between May 10–14 depending on whether they are taking the Budd Car in, need to be picked up at the Wawa bus station, or are finding their way in down the Lochalsh Road. We’ll have a mix of old and new employees this year, and plan to introduce them all in our next blog post. Here is a picture of our youngest “employee” wandering around camp:

Today it was finally warm enough to start varnishing the boats that Eric and Andy have been sanding over the past week. Everyone chipped in for the afternoon and covered themselves in varnish along with the boats. Cedar strip boats must be sanded, varnished, and later launched into the lake (and sunk!) to take on water that will swell the wood and close up gaps. After the boats are watertight, the motors are prepared and put on the boats. Swivel seats, batteries, life jackets, and other safety equipment go in, and the boats are ready to rent!

In the next two weeks, the cabins will be cleaned from floor to ceiling. Opening each cabin for the first time of the season can take up to several hours, as it’s when the new housekeeping staff are trained. The beds are made, appliances plugged in, floors swept and mopped or vacuumed, and windows washed. Heading to the outposts— especially the Isle of Jordan–– is always an adventure, as those days are the time to teach new boaters how to handle general outboard operations, dock the boat by themselves, and memorize their routes around Wabatongushi Lake! It’s also cold out there on the lake in mid-May…
We look forward to opening day just as much as our guests do. The snow will be gone, the sun will be shining down on Wabatongushi Lake, the boats and cabins will be ready, and the fishing will be spectacular! We’ll see you all soon!
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